音樂劇欣賞《Seussical Jr.》

音樂劇欣賞《Seussical Jr.》


2023年7月4日,部分四、五年級同學到天主教郭得勝中學欣賞由天主教郭得勝中學學生所表演的英文音樂劇《蘇斯狂想曲》(Seussical Jr.)。這套音樂劇是改編自兒童文學作者Dr. Seuss的作品,集合了天馬行空的故事,充滿著幻想的同時,又帶出每個人都十分獨特及重要的訊息。



On 4th July, 2023, some P.4 and P.5 students went to Kwok Tak Seng Catholic Secondary School to enjoy an English musical called "Seussical Jr." performed by students from Kwok Tak Seng Catholic Secondary School. The musical is based on the children’s stories of Dr. Seuss. The stories are imaginative, and they convey messages about the uniqueness and importance of every individual.


The students were very engaged and focused while watching the musical. They gained a lot from the musical, understanding the importance of love and respect for others, as well as learning to appreciate the efforts of the performance team.